Friday, December 9, 2011


Ah ecstasy, finest in form
the formal of silk, of satin
slid over skin like caress
the dress, art itself
Da Vinci’s last brushstroke
on canvas already masterpiece
Ecstasy in shape, arched
huskily beckoned words
paint air and page with iambs
spun as though on potter’s wheel
the careful meter coaxing weighted breath
motion, models, music
make symphony of percussion
ecstasy, gift and treasure
passion laid back on page
kissed by sight and loved
in the brief meeting of eyelashes
loved as eyes love
the rise of mountains, the slip
slow into gentle valleys
mapped by light and shadow
ecstasy, twin rivers of luminescence
meet in fall of shaded silhouettes
tantalizing, mesmerizing
temptation sated and honed
by poet’s palette, the taste
of summer’s honey wind
and winter’s chill sharp
on skin and imagination
Ecstasy, finest in form, ephemeral
skilled hands crafting beauty
stirs heart, mind, ecstasy
priceless, ecstasy