Friday, March 18, 2011


I don't really intend to post a new poem every day, or even post every day, but I suppose I can for a while. I'll signify whether a poem is new or taken from the rather significant volume I wrote when I was younger. I wrote this today. 


Someone told her
when her tale was newly hatched
ducklings never become swans

A thousand pages later
the echo ripples still
across the mirror of her pond

For you and I, it is hard to see
why the story left stains
in the feathers of her wings

But she’s convinced she’s grown
into ugly duck
from ugly duckling

She heard that twist on fantasy
so many times
from where she sat on a heartless knee

she refuses to believe
anyone might have written
a different sort of ending

But I want her to know
when it comes to what I behold
I tell in every tale of her I’ve told

I’ve never seen a swan so lovely

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