Thursday, March 17, 2011


Someone I care about very much once told me that she liked it better when poems used "she" or "her" instead of "you". Somehow, she could never believe that she could be the person referred to when someone used "you," and could easily imagine the poem was about her when it used the other pronouns.


This is for her,
so she might look up
into the night sky of this poem
and imagine her name
spelled out above its horizon.
The letters become stars,
making constellations of pronouns;
a celestial game of connect-the-dots.

This is for her,
a tiny rocket of words
with just enough escape velocity
to bring her beyond
the second star to the right
and straight on to my world.

This is for her,
so she might hear her name
whispered in the song of the universe.
It chimes softly each time a star twinkles
in the collection of pronouns
this poem has written for her
across its endless white sky.

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